(credits to Michiel)

See a demo of this idea applied to observablehq (a JS notebook):




Defining a subnotebook will feel like typing

greeter = sub
    greeting = word * " " * name
    md"with parameters"
    word = "Hello"
    name = "Hannes"

you can then use it like a function:

greeter().name == "Hello Hannes"

with replacements (like passing kwargs):

greeter(word="Hoi", name="Floep").name == "Hoi Floep"

Is it useful?

You lose multiple dispatch

Notebooks within the same file is mostly fun, but importing other notebooks (.jl files) with replacement is very special - this is based on the same principle.

So regular notebooks would also need the @pluto_sub_insert lines, maybe they can be combined with the cell delimiter stuff